Fri. Apr 19th, 2024

A successful event manager is adept at establishing web pages and emails before the event, keeping track of email responses, and planning and executing after-event follow-ups. In addition, she should be good at email marketing, especially after the event, when the opportunity to solicit feedback and conduct surveys is most effective. Listed below are some skills that are needed in event management in UAE. They are listed in no particular order.


Organizations need resilience to survive and thrive during critical events. Critical events rarely occur as a single incident and are often fluid. As such, identifying and managing such situations is a complex challenge. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic, which was initially a single virus strain, mutated into several strains. As a result, millions of office workers were forced to stay home for two weeks while businesses moved their operations to remote locations. This situation highlights the need for resilience to survive in such situations and how to prepare for the worst.


One of the keywords to remember when planning any event is adaptability. Even if you’re planning an in-person event, you need to keep in mind that there are many risks you should be prepared for. For example, a lockdown at the venue may occur without warning, or you might be unable to fly speakers to your event because of restrictions. To be successful as an event manager, you need to have a clear idea of what to expect from each event.


A creative approach is vital when managing events. This skill is essential when solving complex problems, such as event concept, speaker selection, or venue selection. Using innovative approaches helps you create a memorable experience for your guests and ensures that they receive the maximum ROI from their investment. Read on to learn more about the benefits of creativity in event management. Here are some examples of how creativity can enhance the client experience. Let’s explore a few of them.

People skills:

A successful event manager has various skills, including a keen eye for detail, a sense of humor, and the ability to interact with a wide range of people. Good interpersonal skills will help you develop and maintain strong working relationships and resolve conflicts. Having a calm attitude and building rapport with others will go a long way in helping you manage events effectively. Listed below are some of the more important skills you need to succeed in event management.

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